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BE Love of Victorian Jewelry

Victorian Jewelry gives the stars their starry look. Victorian jewelry embroiders every ensemble with its ornate look, use of coloured stones, and unique halo setting. They are distinctive, unique and eye catching. Here’s a look at our favourite celebrities rocking Victorian jewelry...
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Stories from the Enchanted

Smitten at the first look, enchanted at the first touch. It’s just the charm of Black Enchanté. Want to know what it feels like to own our jewelry? Listen to the tales of the enchanted ladies in their own words...

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Style with Black Enchantments

Headed for the prim and propah Xmas ball, or the crazy after-party. Perhaps you’re meeting the potential love of your life, or discovering yourself with a night on the town solo. We’ve got you covered, with the finest Victorian jewelry, no less.

Take a stroll through our lookbook and discover jewelry for every occasion and your every mood...

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Keep the Black Enchanted

Your handcrafted Black Enchante jewelry is an exclusive, coveted piece. It deserves all your love, attention and care. Like Darcy cared for Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice, or Count Vronsky loved Anna in Anna Karenina. So, to ensure it lasts as long as these eternal love stories from the Victorian era, here's what you need to do...
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